
Offering a wide range of preventative and surgical care

We offer a wide range of surgical procedures including soft tissue, orthopaedic and keyhole surgery. Our veterinary surgeons have particular interests in ultrasound, internal medicine and keyhole surgery. We have access to specialists in numerous fields and can provide referrals if required, ensuring the best care for your pet.

Our services include:

  • Vaccinations for dogs, cats and rabbits

  • Microchipping

  • Flea and Worm control

  • Neutering

  • Keyhole Surgery

  • Pet Passports

  • Specialist Nutritional Advice

  • Puppy Development Classes

  • Dental examinations

  • Behavioural problems

  • Specially trained dispensing nurse (Nurse SQP)

  • Ultrasound

  • Appointments
  • Repeat Prescriptions and Duty of Care
  • Nurse Clinics
  • Home Visits
  • Operations


Consultations are 15 minutes long, but if you would like more time please let us know in advance. It is important that we are able to discuss your pet’s health problems fully and we can take the time to discuss different treatment options available.

Please be aware you should expect to be charged a fee for all veterinary consultations. The whole practice also feel it is important to maintain continuity of care with one vet wherever possible. However, as we share evening, night and weekend rotas we do not all work every day, which means your pet may be cared for by more than one vet. Be assured that detailed clinical notes are digitally stored and we confer regularly about cases. If you wish to see one particular vet please let reception know when making an appointment.

Repeat Prescriptions and Duty of Care

Many drugs prescribed by a veterinary surgeon can only be supplied if your pet is under our care. There is a legal requirement that such care is current and demonstrable. For most conditions, this means it will be necessary for the vet to examine the patient immediately prior to prescribing a drug for the first time.

In the event of extended treatment, a repeat prescription may be necessary. You can request these online using our Repeat Prescription Form. We ask that you give us at least 24 hours notice so that we can ensure the correct drugs are available. Cases receiving extended medication will have to be regularly assessed at least every 6 months, though the interval between assessments will depend on the condition being treated, the treatment being used and clinical progress. A professional fee will be charged for these assessments.

Certain prescription flea and worm treatments may be prescribed providing we have seen your pet in the last 12 months for its annual health check / vaccination. If we have not seen your pet within the last 12 months, it will not be possible to prescribe these products, but we will be happy to carry out a free consultation with a vet so these products may be supplied. Alternatively, our specially trained dispensing nurse (Nurse SQP) will be able to prescribe suitable alternatives.

Nurse Clinics

Our trained nurses provide advice on all aspects of healthcare throughout your pet’s lifetime and run the following free clinics:

Puppy Parties 

Everybody loves a party! These hugely enjoyable events are the perfect way to start socialising your puppy with other dogs and people, whilst learning about healthcare, discussing diets and picking up some tips on training. The positive memory of this experience lasts a long time and helps dogs deal with the challenges of life as they mature, not only with other dogs and people, but also with us!


Growing up can come with its own set of problems and our nurses will monitor your pet’s growth and development. We strongly recommend joining B-Healthwise, our health club which allows you to provide the very best of preventative healthcare for your pet (vaccinations, worming and flea control) at a discount and with convenient monthly payments. Our health plan also has added benefits - discounted microchipping, neutering, diets and dentistry.


We recommend an annual health check with a clinical examination, weight check and health review. We advocate vaccination tailored to risk and lifestyle and for dogs we use a vaccine that only requires a full booster every 3 years, with part vaccination at each interim check up.

Obesity and dental disease are common problems in adult pets and our nurses offer free Weight clinics and Dental checks along with practical advice and support.

Senior Years

Modern veterinary care and nutrition means that are pets are living longer and happier lives. However, it can be difficult as your pet ages to know whether problems are just “old age” or have a more serious underlying cause. In addition, our pets are very good at hiding the subtle signs of ill-health such as arthritis, dental, kidney, liver and heart disease (all of which have safe, long-term treatment options available providing they are detected early).

For this reason we recommend our Senior Health Plan for dogs over 7 years and cats over 8 years – this has all the benefits of our B-Healthwise plan together with regular blood and urine tests.


Home Visits

Although we are happy to carry out home visits, the vast majority of cases are better treated at the surgery where full support facilities and staff are available. If you have difficulty bringing your pet to the surgery, please contact our receptionists who will be pleased to supply the telephone numbers of local taxi services willing to carry pets. However, we do appreciate that there are some circumstances where home visits are preferable and always try to accommodate requests for home visits.

Please note that a home visit attracts a significant extra fee than consultation at the surgery. Furthermore, the costs of home visits are almost always excluded by insurers.


We offer excellent surgical care both in terms of expertise and equipment. We fully appreciate any surgical procedure is a worrying time for an owner, but rest assured that undergoing surgery is safer than ever for all patients, including the elderly. All patients are closely monitored with sophisticated electronic equipment and we use the most up-to-date drugs for anaesthesia and pain relief.

Operations normally take place daily Monday to Friday with admissions between 8:30 and 9:00am (if this inconvenient please contact us and we will do our very best to work with you to find an alternative arrangement). Patients are normally admitted through our separate “In-patients” entrance. The vast majority of patients are able to go home the same day. We offer pre-anaesthetic blood testing for all patients in our in-house laboratory to help minimise risks associated with anaesthesia and surgery – such blood tests are particularly important in elderly or ill patients.

Find out more

Keyhole Surgery

Keyhole Surgery

We offer specialist endoscopy / keyhole surgery services improving comfort and recovery for your pet

Pet Nutrition

Pet Nutrition

Our guidance to the optimal diet for your pet including life-stage and health-specific diets

Nurse Clinics

Nurse Clinics

The benefits of nurse clinics to you and your pet